Marlborough Science AcademyMixed science academy for ages 11-18

A very good school 

The Marlborough Science Academy is an 11-18 mixed comprehensive Academy committed to an inclusive education for all learners.


Marlborough Science Academy's aim is to provide an assessment system that is understood by students, staff and parents. This is so everyone can see how students are progressing. Assessment at Marlborough is based on the same scale throughout the school so that progress can be monitored across Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.  The scale is linked to the new GCSE 9-1 grade scale with the addition of Bronze, Silver and Gold at Key Stage 3.

Developing Talents

The school life is about developing talents. They believe skills and maturity should grow and develop inside and outside of the classroom. All of our students have access to wonderful trips including China, India, France and Italy. There are extra-curricular clubs such as chess, cheerleading, Mandarin, Latin. reading clubs and of course many sports. The school look to improve and continue improving. All our students who leave post 16 education achieve their desired destinations and, in some areas, given personal choice and ambition, full time employment. We have developed strong links with the local business community and many of our students have gone on to study apprenticeships. 

Sixth Form 

To extend provision for students at Post 16, the school work within the Alban Learning Partners consortium including schools such as Loreto, STAGS, Townsend and Samuel Ryder. Smart business dress has been introduced Post 16. Marlborough continue to be proud of its track record which has put the school in the top 3 schools within St Albans. The apprenticeship programme is also significantly developed and offers alternative routes to students for whom university life is not their chosen route. The Cadets Force in partnership with St Albans Boys has become very popular.


Facilities include a large sports hall, a second hall, a theatre room, a dance and drama studio, a fantastic gym, a swimming pool and hard court areas.

For further details please see the Marlborough Science Academy website. 

Mixed science academy for ages 11-18

Opening Times

  • Mon 8.15am - 3.45pm
  • Tue 8.15am - 3.45pm
  • Wed 8.15am - 3.45pm
  • Thur 8.15am - 3.45pm
  • Fri 8.15am - 3.45pm
Mixed science academy for ages 11-18


  • Secondary
  • Academies

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