Terms and conditions of acceptance of advertising

Definitions In These Conditions

1.1 The Publisher means Hertfordshire Online limited or its associated companies, publications and web sites.

1.2 The Advertiser means the person or organisation placing an advertisement with the Publisher.

1.3 The Advertisement means the copy matter to be printed in the publication or on a web site.

Publishers Rights

2.1 The Publisher may refuse to accept an Advertisement for publication or make the necessary changes to ensure it complies with legal and moral undertakings placed on the Publisher.

2.2 The Publisher requires all Advertisements to meet the requirements of the British Code of Advertising Practice, under the supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority.

2.3 The Publisher has the authority to decline to publish, or to omit, suspend or change any Advertisement accepted for insertion. The Publisher shall use every effort to comply with the Advertisers' instructions, without contravening the laws and obligations which apply at that time the Advertisement is due to be published.

2.4 The Publisher reserves the right to refuse or cancel Advertisement cancellations. Cancellations must be confirmed 14 days in advance of the publication day and in writing to the publisher. Orders cancelled less than 14 days will be subject to a cancellation charge of 25% of the agreed value of the order, with a minimum charge £40.00. No cancellation will be accepted 8 days or earlier prior to publication day.

2.5 The Publisher has the authority to change its' scale of charges, every effort will be made to consult the Advertiser of any change. 

Advertisers Obligations

3.1 The Advertiser supplies an Advertisement that is truthful, honest and decent and complies with all legislation and codes of advertising practice currently applicable in the United Kingdom.

3.2 Any Advertisement submitted for publication, containing names, pictures and font styles, or copy relating to any person or organisation, the Publisher expects the Advertiser has the relevant authority to make use of these in the published Advertisement. 

3.3 The Advertiser will indemnify the Publisher against any costs, damages or other charges falling on the Publisher as a result of any claim against it, due to the publication, or non-publication, of an Advertisement.

Limitations of Liability

4.1 In the case of a series of Advertisements it is the responsibility of the Advertiser to check the correctness of the first Advertisement and make the necessary amendments immediately. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for any repetition thereafter.

4.2 The Publisher will not accept responsibility for any errors in an Advertisement that has been proofed to the Advertiser.

4.3 In the event of any error, misprint or omission in the printing of an Advertisement, the Publisher will re-insert the advertisement, or part thereof and make any adjustment in cost that the Publisher deems necessary.

4.4 No re-insertion, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement.

4.5 In no circumstances shall the total liability of the Publisher for any error, misprint or omission exceed the amount of the agreed cost between the Publisher and the Advertiser.

4.6 The Publisher will not be liable for any loss of copy, artwork, photographs, disks or other materials and will not be liable for any claim as a result thereof.

4.7 Due to pre-press printing preparations finished advertisement sizes may vary by up to 95% of the original size. This term is known as shrinkage.

4.8 Any other matter relating a complaint or query, must be made to the Publisher within 5 working days of appearance of the Advertisement. 

Payment Terms

5.1 Credit accounts must be settled within 14 days of the publication date, in which the Advertisement appears. The Publisher reserves the right to make a surcharge of 5% plus the bank base rate per month on overdue invoices.

5.2 The whole invoiced sum is payable on the due date, even if there is a query relating to any element of it.

5.3 If an Advertiser cancels a contract, whether in writing or by non-payment, then any discounts given on invoices already raised as part of that contract, will be charged back to the Advertiser and become payable within 14 days. 

5.4 Where the Advertiser causes charges to be incurred by the Publisher for late or missing Advertisements, late changes or incorrect copy transfer procedures then the Publisher will pass on this additional production cost to the Advertiser. A breakdown of these charges will be supplied.

5.5 Advertising agency commission will be allowed to those agencies recognised by the Newspaper Society, for the supply of finished artwork delivered to the Publisher by whatever material is agreed.

5.6 The Publisher will withdraw any discounts or commissions on invoices not settled within the 14 days credit account terms. This discount will be re-invoiced and due within 7 days.

General Acceptances 

6.1 The copyright for the artwork and materials worked on by the Publisher and its' representatives will rest with the Publisher. All copy supplied will not be returned unless agreed in advance of its' supply. 

6.2 The Publisher reserves the right to withhold any box number should it be deemed necessary in the respondent’s interest.

6.3 The Publisher, its' agents, suppliers and Advertisers are shall amount to acceptance of these conditions for each insertion of an Advertisement.

6.4 All Advertisers should confirm the booking details by completing and signing a Confirmation Booking Form, which will be supplied by the advertising sales executive. Advertising agencies should confirm booking details by way of a space order.

6.5 The Publisher where necessary may apply production charges for additional or complex Advertiser requirements. Such charges will be advised prior to any commencement of work.

Submission of Material to this Site

No material may be submitted to this site or via PJR Media Group Ltd. or to any of its advertisers or registered users, which is in any way in breach of any legislation or the legal rights of any third party, knowingly inaccurate, threatening or offensive, or calculated or likely to interfere with the proper functioning of this site. Any breach of this provision will render the party in breach liable to indemnify PJR Media Group Limited against any damages, claims, costs or other liabilities that it may suffer or incur as a result (whether directly or indirectly) of such breach.

Data Protection Act 1998 

We may search with a credit reference agency regarding your business and its' maintenance of credit worthiness. They may share that information with other businesses. We may transfer any information about you to a credit reference agency, (or any insurer providing credit insurance to us or another financier of our business), in order to establish the funding to us of your business or for the insurer to set credit levels of your business with us. This could affect the levels and terms of credit you may have with us. If required we will advise the names of our financiers and/or insurers before trading commences.

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