The Thomas Alleyne AcademyCo-educational Academy for 11-18 years

Proud of its reputation

The Thomas Alleyne Academy is an 11-18 co-educational academy which is proud of its reputation as a happy, caring, and safe community. Success is expected, achieved and celebrated. There has been education the Thomas Alleyne site since 1558. They converted to academy status in September 2013, The Academy is a proud member of the Hart Schools Trust which is a multi-academy trust committed to supporting schools in the local area. In 2019, Ofsted confirmed the academy continues to be ‘Good’ in all areas with ‘Outstanding’ leadership and management. 

Curriculum Overview 

In years 7 to 9, students study the full range of national curriculum subjects. They also focus on securing high standards of literacy and numeracy, enabling them to be fully prepared for independent learning. As the students move through the school Thomas Alleyne ensure they understand the relevance of their studies in relation to the huge range of careers available in the modern workplace. The Academy use every available opportunity to develop the students’ character to ensure they are able to thrive in the modern world. 

Subjects Taught in Year 7 

Subjects taught in Year 7 are English, Geography, Maths, History, Science, Computing, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, Media, Spanish, Personal Social Health Education, Food Technology, Religious Education, Product Design, and Resilience.


Thomas Alleyne students will be expected to complete regular homework assignments via the ‘Show My Homework’ portal.  

GCSE Options 

At the end of year 9, students have access to a broad range of options. The students are given expert guidance and support when selecting their GCSE options. They can study the full range of academic GCSEs at Thomas Alleyne Academy and the Academy can offer expert vocational learning through the close partnership with North Hertfordshire College.

Sixth Form 

Thomas Alleyne offer a wide range of A level subjects and Level 3 vocational programmes and are proud of the sixth form where there has been rapidly improving results in recent years. Alongside an impressive range of academic A-Level courses, Thomas Alleyne recognises its responsibility to develop the whole student. There is a focus on achieving personal best and through the unique study skills and coaching programme develop the students as resilient independent thinkers and problem solvers. The focus on aspiration and destination allows students to make a successful transition into university, apprenticeships or work.

The Hart Schools Trust 

The Thomas Alleyne Academy is a member of the Hart Schools Trust, a multi-academy trust working with both primary and secondary schools in Stevenage. The Trust sits within the Hart Learning Group, a charitable organisation with a mission to create social and economic value through learning. Other members of the Hart Learning Group include North Hertfordshire College and Hart Learning and Development. Across the organisation, students can be supported on educational pathways all the way through to adulthood. The partnership ensures staff and students benefit from shared resources, expertise and a broad range of opportunities to enrich their education.

Co-educational Academy for 11-18 years

Opening Times

  • Mon 8am - 4.30pm
  • Tue 8am - 4.30pm
  • Wed 8am - 4.30pm
  • Thur 8am - 4.30pm
  • Fri 8am - 4.30pm
Co-educational Academy for 11-18 years


  • Academies

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