Howe Green House SchoolCo-educational prep school for 2-11 years

Celebrating the joy of learning

Howe Green House School is an independent co-educational prep school for children aged 2-11 years old. The school has a way of thinking and an approach to life which celebrates the joy of learning in a caring and safe environment rich with opportunities. Howe Green House School is so much more than a place where children experience the everyday curriculum, the children are intellectually curious, intrinsically motivated, ambitious to do their best and excited about the world around them. There is an exceptional staff to pupil ratio and each child is known and understood in a way that promotes their ability to find their talents. Relationships within the school are strong, with peers, staff, parents and the wider community. The nickname of ‘the Howe Green House Family’ is well earned and is a standout feature of the school's environment and is something Howe Green House School truly treasure.

Little Oaks Nursery School

This is a place to grow, explore & develop curiosity. The nursery is situated within the grounds of a Grade II listed building close to Hatfield Forest which creates a lovely and homely environment. The beautiful setting provides easy free-flow access to the secure outdoor environment which has an enclosed area with a safety surface, providing space to enjoy ball games, the climbing frame and ride on toys. The nursery also has a garden which is laid to lawn with areas for digging, sand and water play. The school plants and grows flowers and vegetables. There is lots to explore.


Howe Green's Pre-Prep supports pupils from two to seven years of age. The school provides a warm and friendly environment, where children and their families feel secure and valued. Every child is treated as an individual, with their own special interests and needs and the school place great importance in getting to know them very well. The aim is to help all children to develop confidence, independence and a positive self-image and encourage them to be an active participant in their learning and provide the children with a developmentally appropriate curriculum full of exciting activities to stimulate and fill them with the desire to learn. The staff within the setting have the highest aspirations for all children and always strive to enable them to fulfil their full potential both academically and socially.

Prep School

At Pre-Prep level each child is taught and cared for by a full-time class teacher and teaching assistant who are readily available at drop off and pick up time each day. This open-door policy continues through the Prep School and helps to ensure that the individual needs of children and parents are met through regular communication. This also provides a warm and welcoming environment at the beginning and end of each day. Throughout the Junior Years, the school strives to strike good balance between providing depth of learning through a structured and diverse academic curriculum, developing the individual child to allow them to develop into a well-rounded citizen, identifying and developing skills within sports and the arts and preparing them for the transition to Senior School.

Please see the Howe Green House school website for further details.

Co-educational prep school for 2-11 years

Opening Times

  • Mon 8am - 5pm
  • Tue 8am - 5pm
  • Wed 8am - 5pm
  • Thur 8am - 5pm
  • Fri 8am - 5pm
Co-educational prep school for 2-11 years


  • Private Schools

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